Thursday, March 26, 2009

Film Lesson: Night of Fog

The movie night of fog was very disturbing. The movie was very powerful . They showed the camp of Aushwitz and how they lived. The people that was there jews and the nazis. People were being killed and it was wrong. They didnt have to kill none of those people. This movie was just like the movie called Schindlers List. I say that because in both movies they killed people like it was nothing.
When they was killed they wasnt just killed and thrown away. After they was killed all of there body parts were used for somthing. They kept there fat there hair and other things like that. And when they took it these things were used. Lik for example there hair was used to make blankets.
The documentary showed more detail because it was showing what really happen. Not just guessing what happen. And by the documentary being so real it had showed alot of cruel things. Dead bodies everywhere it was crazy.

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