Tuesday, May 5, 2009

African Independence

Africa had changed over a 20 year time period. The reason why it changed was because there was to many colonies. For example some colonies were Sudan, Algeria and South West Africa. But mostly all of these colonies were changed to independent countries.
One ruler was Kwame Nkrumah and he lead the british nations. He was a former teacher that spent many years studing in United States. He worked to liberate the Gold Coast from the british. Nkrumah put together boycotts and strikes and was often put in prison by the british government. The Gold Coast took the name Ghana. The name honored the West African Kingdom. This was the first nation governed by black African.
Another ruler was Mobutu that ruled Zaire for 32 years. To rule he used force, party rules and gifts to supporters. Zaire was one of the richest countries in Africa. But it was reduced under Mobutu's rule to be one of the countries poorest. Mobutu was accused of looting the country of billions of dollars.

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