Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

To me Apartheid was a time of racsim. It was when the colored people didn't have any rights at all. For example the colored couldn't vote because many public facilities and institutions were restricted to use only one race. And that race was for the white.
Nelson Mandela had fought for Unity and Liberation. Growing up in south africa was very hard for Mandela. During his time of growing up there was the Apartheid. This system made it very unfair to him because doing simple things like drinking from the wrong water fountain can get you thrown in jail. Like another example is you can have the same job as your neighbor but just because your colored and their white they will get paided much more than you. The money you get in a year is how much they will earn in a week.
Nelson Mandela is admired because he never gave up. He fought back until he got what he wanted.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

African Independence

Africa had changed over a 20 year time period. The reason why it changed was because there was to many colonies. For example some colonies were Sudan, Algeria and South West Africa. But mostly all of these colonies were changed to independent countries.
One ruler was Kwame Nkrumah and he lead the british nations. He was a former teacher that spent many years studing in United States. He worked to liberate the Gold Coast from the british. Nkrumah put together boycotts and strikes and was often put in prison by the british government. The Gold Coast took the name Ghana. The name honored the West African Kingdom. This was the first nation governed by black African.
Another ruler was Mobutu that ruled Zaire for 32 years. To rule he used force, party rules and gifts to supporters. Zaire was one of the richest countries in Africa. But it was reduced under Mobutu's rule to be one of the countries poorest. Mobutu was accused of looting the country of billions of dollars.

Monday, April 6, 2009

NATO and The Warsaw Pact

The NATO was an organization that was called North Atlantic Treay Organization. This organization included the country Europe and North America. The point of this organization was to make a defense system, if you was attacked then who ever was with the NATO was there with your defense. So this was basically an alliance. This organization also help you with other things like how it helped western Europe with there economic aide.
The Warsaw Pact had mostly consisted of the Soviet Union and other satellite countries. This was created because the NATO was created. So this was like a defense system to. But this alliance was taking over by the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union had their military running the socialist government.
The NATO was created by

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Film Lesson: Schindler's List

This movie called Schindler's List had illustrated the holocaust in many ways. It showed how they put people in places called ghetto's. This was a place where you have to live and you cant escape. There was walls and gates so you cant leave. You had to live there if you was jew.
The scenes that were to powerful to see was when the kids had to hide. If they didnt hide they would have been taking away. The kids were hiding in some unusual places. The were hiding under the floor and in the toliets. But they didnt care where they was hinding because they didnt want to get found.
The images from the film that will stay with me is when the parents and the children would be saperated. That is a horrible image to see someone fight to get there child back but they cant get them back. If your child was noticed they will take he/she away from you.

Film Lesson: Night of Fog

The movie night of fog was very disturbing. The movie was very powerful . They showed the camp of Aushwitz and how they lived. The people that was there jews and the nazis. People were being killed and it was wrong. They didnt have to kill none of those people. This movie was just like the movie called Schindlers List. I say that because in both movies they killed people like it was nothing.
When they was killed they wasnt just killed and thrown away. After they was killed all of there body parts were used for somthing. They kept there fat there hair and other things like that. And when they took it these things were used. Lik for example there hair was used to make blankets.
The documentary showed more detail because it was showing what really happen. Not just guessing what happen. And by the documentary being so real it had showed alot of cruel things. Dead bodies everywhere it was crazy.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Treaty of Versailles (ended WWI)

The Treaty of Versailles came on to Britian in a bad way and was basically blamed for World War 1. The nation was forced to pay compensation to the allies. The war made Germans accept responsibility but this had cost the Germans. Ten percent of the Germans had there land lost, some were taken away and shared between the allies and the massive, and about thirteen percent of the German ended up living outside the German border.
Some of the rules of the treaty were if you were not jews it wasnt easy for you to live there. This was wrong but then again it was right. This has helped out the nation in many ways.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and the Modernization of Turkey

The way Mustafa Kemal modernized Turkey was by making it more secular. And at the time when he did this he was president. When he had came in he a brung many changes with him. He had brought changes in the political, economic, and socail fields.
But one of the more important things he did was change the way the people dressed. The people dressed in dresses, sandles and turbens. He wanted them to wear regular clothes like regular people.
The secular change was to come in and take the releigion out of you. To like show them there's other ways and things.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Film Lesson- "Gandhi"

Gandhi had helped his nation gain independence from Great Britain. He believed in a philosophy of non-violence. For example if the british was to come over and attack them they wouldn't fight back. He believed that acts against the Britsh that was in a violent way would only led to a negative reaction.
Gandhi was willing to go to jail for himself and his people. This was because he thought it will just make the British look bad if they lock him away. He did things that only he would do. Like he would take his people to the sea to get sea water. The point of getting sea water was by getting salt out of it. And when he did this the british had something to do with the salt in india.

Extra Credit:
I think India's independence had something to do with Gandhi because he showed the people that violence isn't the way to settle problems. And he also showed other people from different places that we gonna stand up tall without fightin you or hitting back.

Friday, February 6, 2009